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47 Tucanae / NGC 104
Copyright Sebastian Voltmer
Object.................: 47 Tucanae / NGC104
Optics / Telescope.....: C14
focal length, f/ratio..: 2200mm, f/6.3 (Alan Gee)
Total exposure time....: 5 min.
Filter.................: LRGB, SBIG CFW8
Film / CCD.............: ST-10XME
Guiding................: Self-guided
Date & location........: 07.09.03, IAS Hakos
Author.................: Sebastian Voltmer
Comments...............: L (60sec), R (60sec), G (60sec), B (120sec)
Sculptor-Galaxie / NGC 253
Copyright Sebastian Voltmer
Object.................: NGC253
Optics / Telescope.....: C8
focal length, f/ratio..: 2030mm, f/10
Total exposure time....: 45 min.
Film / CCD.............: Kodak Pro Gold 1000
Guiding................: Celestron Off Axis
Date & location........: Namibia / Gamsberg
Author.................: Sebastian Voltmer
NGC1973 und der Orion-Nebel / M42
Copyright Sebastian Voltmer
Object.................: M42(1976), M43(1982), NGC1973-75-77, 1980
Optics / Telescope.....: Traveler
focal length, f/ratio..: 402mm, f/3,8
Total exposure time....: 40min.
Filter.................: SBIG CFW8
Film / CCD.............: ST2000XM
Guiding................: Self-guided
Date & location........: 21.12.04, Spicheren, France
Author.................: Sebastian Voltmer
Comments...............: L: 2x5min, R: 2x5min, G: 2x5min, B: 2x5min
-40°C, master dark of 10 Frames
Flammen-Nebel / NGC 2024
Copyright Sebastian Voltmer
Object.................: NGC2024
Optics / Telescope.....: C11
focal length, f/ratio..: 2800mm, f/10
Total exposure time....: 4000 sec.
Filter.................: LRGB, SBIG CFW8
Film / CCD.............: ST-10XME
Guiding................: Self-guided
Date & location........: 2003, La Rosière / France
Author.................: Sebastian Voltmer
Comments...............: L: 1000sec, R: 1000sec, G: 1000sec, B: 1000sec
Balkenspirale NGC 1365
Object.................: NGC1365
Optics / Telescope.....: C14
focal length, f/ratio..: 2200mm, f/6.3 (Alan Gee)
Total exposure time....: 54 min.
Filter.................: LRGB, SBIG CFW8
Film / CCD.............: ST-10XME
Guiding................: Self-guided
Date & location........: 05.09.03, IAS Hakos
Author.................: Sebastian Voltmer
Comments...............: L (20min), R (8min), G (10min), B (16min)
Rosettennebel / NGC 2244
Copyright Sebastian Voltmer
Object.................: NGC2244
Optics / Telescope.....: Traveler
focal length, f/ratio..: 402mm, f/3,8
Total exposure time....: 150min.
Filter.................: SBIG CFW8
Film / CCD.............: ST2000XM
Guiding................: Self-guided
Date & location........: 01/04/05, La Rosière, France
Author.................: Sebastian Voltmer
Comments...............: L: 10x6min,
R: 5x6min, G (OIII): 5x6min, B: 5x6min
Vela / NGC 2736
Object.................: Vela / NGC2736
Optics / Telescope.....: Traveler
focal length, f/ratio..: 600mm, f/5,8
Total exposure time....: 80 min.
Film / CCD.............: ST2000XM
Guiding................: Self-guided
Date & location........: 14.05.04, IAS Hakos/Namibia
Author.................: Sebastian Voltmer
Comments...............: L (6x10min),
R (10min; 2x2), G (10min; 2x2) B (difference of Red/Green)
Eta Carinae-Nebel / NGC 3372
Object.................: Eta Carinae Nebula / NGC3372
Optics / Telescope.....: Traveler
focal length, f/ratio..: 600mm, f/5,8
Total exposure time....: 50 min.
Film / CCD.............: ST2000XM
Guiding................: Self-guided
Date & location........: 16.05.04, IAS Hakos/Namibia
Author.................: Sebastian Voltmer
Comments...............: L (10x2min),
R (10min), G (10min), B (10min)
Centaurus A / NGC 5128
Copyright Sebastian Voltmer
Object.................: NGC5128
Optics / Telescope.....: C8
focal length, f/ratio..: 2030mm, f/10
Total exposure time....: 45 min.
Film / CCD.............: Kodak Pro Gold 1000
Guiding................: Baader Micro Guide
Date & location........: Namibia / Hakos
Author.................: Sebastian Voltmer
Omega Centauri / NGC 5139
Object.................: Omega Centauri / NGC5139
Optics / Telescope.....: Traveler
focal length, f/ratio..: 600mm, f/5,8
Total exposure time....: 40 min.
Film / CCD.............: ST2000XM
Guiding................: Self-guided
Date & location........: Hakos / Namibia
Author.................: Sebastian Voltmer
Comments...............: L (5x2min),
R (10min), G (10min), B (10min)
Corona Australis: IC 4812, NGC 6726/27 &
Barnard 157 and globular cluster NGC 6723
Object.................: NGC6723
Optics / Telescope.....: Traveler
focal length, f/ratio..: 600mm, f/5,8
Total exposure time....: 120 min.
Film / CCD.............: ST2000XM
Guiding................: Self-guided
Date & location........: 24.05.04, IAS Hakos/Namibia
Author.................: Sebastian Voltmer
Comments...............: L (7x10min),
R (10min), G (10min), B (3x10min)
Object.................: NGC6357
Optics / Telescope.....: Traveler
focal length, f/ratio..: 600mm, f/5,8
Total exposure time....: 40 min.
Film / CCD.............: ST2000XM
Guiding................: Self-guided
Date & location........: 13.05.04, IAS Hakos/Namibia
Author.................: Sebastian Voltmer
Comments...............: L (10min),
R (10min), G (10min), B (10min)
Object.................: NGC6334
Optics / Telescope.....: Traveler
focal length, f/ratio..: 600mm, f/5,8
Total exposure time....: 70 min.
Film / CCD.............: ST2000XM
Guiding................: Self-guided
Date & location........: 14.05.04, IAS Hakos/Namibia
Author.................: Sebastian Voltmer
Comments...............: L (7x10min)
NGC 6543 / Katzenaugen-Nebel

Object.................: NGC 6543
Optics / Telescope.....: 44 inch Newton-Reflektor
focal length, f/ratio..: 4950mm, f/4,4
Total exposure time....: 1/50 sec
Filter.................: none
Film / CCD / guiding...: 3CCD Panasonic NV-MX300 Camcorder
Date & location........: 14.05.01, Melle/Germany
Author.................: Sebastian Voltmer
Comments...............: Composite of 37 Video-Frames

Galaxie NGC 6822
Object.................: NGC6822
Optics / Telescope.....: Traveler
focal length, f/ratio..: 600mm, f/5,8
Total exposure time....: 30 min.
Film / CCD.............: ST2000XM
Guiding................: Self-guided
Date & location........: 21.05.04, IAS Hakos/Namibia
Author.................: Sebastian Voltmer
Comments...............: L (2x10min),
R (10min), (Green/Blue = difference of Red/Luminance and Red/Green)
Cirrus-Nebel / NGC 6992, NGC 6995
Object.................: NGC6992, NGC6995
Optics / Telescope.....: Traveler
focal length, f/ratio..: 600mm, f/5,8
Total exposure time....: 50 min.
Film / CCD.............: ST2000XM
Guiding................: Self-guided
Date & location........: 09.09.04, Spicheren/France
Author.................: Sebastian Voltmer
Comments...............: H-alpha (1000sec),
OIII (1000sec), H-beta (1000sec)
NGC 7000
Copyright Sebastian Voltmer
Object.................: NGC 7000
focal length, f/ratio..: 630mm, f/5.8
Film / CCD.............: SBIG STL 11000
Filter.................: SII (R), Ha (G), OIII (B)
Guiding................: AP GTO900

Date & location........: Spicheren, France
Author.................: Sebastian Voltmer
NGC 7000
Copyright Sebastian Voltmer
Object.................: NGC7000
focal length, f/ratio..: 200mm
Total exposure time....: 45 min.
Film / CCD.............: Kodak Pro Gold 400
Date & location........: Gornergrat, 1998
Author.................: Sebastian Voltmer
Comments...............: LS-Action for Photoshop >>
Nordamerika-Nebel / NGC7000 (Mosaik)
Object.................: NGC 7000
Optics / Telescope.....: Traveler
focal length, f/ratio..: 630mm f/6
Total exposure time....: 4 x 16 min.
Filter.................: H-alpha
Film / CCD.............: ST-10XME
Guiding................: Self-guided
Date & location........: 17.03.04, Spicheren
Author.................: Sebastian Voltmer
Comments...............: L = 4 x 16 min
Cygnus Region
Copyright Sebastian Voltmer
Object.................: Cygnus Region
focal length, f/ratio..: 630mm, f/5.8
Film / CCD.............: SBIG STL 11000
Filter.................: SII (R), Ha (G), OIII (B)
Guiding................: AP GTO900

Date & location........: Spicheren, France
Author.................: Sebastian Voltmer
Helix-Nebel / NGC 7293
Copyright Sebastian Voltmer
Object.................: NGC7293
Optics / Telescope.....: Traveler
focal length, f/ratio..: 600mm, f/5,8
Total exposure time....: 40 min.
Film / CCD.............: ST-2000XM
Guiding................: Self-guided
Date & location........: Hakos / Namibia
Author.................: Sebastian Voltmer
Comments...............: L 10min; R 10min; G 10min; B 10min;
Galaxien-Triplet / NGC7582; 7590; 7599
Object.................: Triplet: NGC7582; 7590; 7599
Optics / Telescope.....: C14
focal length, f/ratio..: 2200mm, f/6.3 (Alan Gee)
Total exposure time....: 50 min.
Filter.................: LRGB, SBIG CFW8
Film / CCD.............: ST-10XME
Guiding................: Self-guided
Date & location........: 03.09.03, IAS Hakos
Author.................: Sebastian Voltmer
Comments...............: L (10min), R (10min), G (10min), B (20min)